Dismissal Procedures
2:30pm Monday-Friday; The students are to be picked up from their classroom.
2:40pm Monday-Friday; The students are to be picked up from the school yard.
First, Second & Third Grade:
Dismissal for grades 1-3
2:40pm Monday-Friday will begin at 2:45PM in the school yard.
Fourth & Fifth Grade:
2:40pm Monday-Friday; The students are to be picked up from the school exit on the corner of 26th Street and 27th Drive..
Inclement Weather Dismissal:
2:30pm Monday-Friday; The students are to be picked up from their classroom.
2:40pm Monday-Friday; The students are to be picked up from the school yard.
First, Second & Third Grade:
Dismissal for grades 1-3
2:40pm Monday-Friday will begin at 2:45PM in the school yard.
Fourth & Fifth Grade:
2:40pm Monday-Friday; The students are to be picked up from the school exit on the corner of 26th Street and 27th Drive..
Inclement Weather Dismissal:
- On days with inclement weather, Kindergarten through Third Grade students will be dismissed from the cafeteria. Parents should pick their child up from their table in the cafeteria.
- Fourth and Fifth Grade dismissals are unchanged.
Dismissal Policies
Students will only be dismissed to parents or other persons listed on their blue card. At all times, if a person other than the usual designated person is picking up your child, the primary caregiver must send a written, signed note to the teacher.
It is important that students are picked up promptly at dismissal. If students are not picked up on time, they will be escorted to the Lobby, where they will be supervised by a staff member. A long wait in this situation can be upsetting for young children, so please make every effort to pick up your child on time. When picking up a child from the lobby, you must sign the child out of the Late Pick-Up book to ensure your child's safety.
For younger children who go to an after-school program both in and out of the building, you should inform their classroom teacher of their schedule at the beginning of the year. Your child will then be dismissed to the appropriate program.
Third graders who have written permission may walk home on their own at dismissal, as can all fourth and fifth grade students. If you are the parent of a fourth or fifth grade student and do not want your child to leave on his/her own, please write a note to the teacher indicating who will pick up your child.
If you need to pick up your child at a time other than dismissal, your need to sign in at the Security Desk in the Lobby, and then go to the Main Office where you will sign your child out. Your child will be called to meet you in the office.
It is important that students are picked up promptly at dismissal. If students are not picked up on time, they will be escorted to the Lobby, where they will be supervised by a staff member. A long wait in this situation can be upsetting for young children, so please make every effort to pick up your child on time. When picking up a child from the lobby, you must sign the child out of the Late Pick-Up book to ensure your child's safety.
For younger children who go to an after-school program both in and out of the building, you should inform their classroom teacher of their schedule at the beginning of the year. Your child will then be dismissed to the appropriate program.
Third graders who have written permission may walk home on their own at dismissal, as can all fourth and fifth grade students. If you are the parent of a fourth or fifth grade student and do not want your child to leave on his/her own, please write a note to the teacher indicating who will pick up your child.
If you need to pick up your child at a time other than dismissal, your need to sign in at the Security Desk in the Lobby, and then go to the Main Office where you will sign your child out. Your child will be called to meet you in the office.